IT Talent Recruitment & Training

Solve your Digital Skills Gaps with Talent that is recruited and trained for your business requirements. Businesses that hire for Talent with Readynez find successful digital transformation, new synergies and a faster way to solve their digital skills gaps

What´s New

Your ability to be ready for the future will depend on your access to talent. Close the gap with proven solutions to recruit and train Talent for digital jobs


In the Skills-First economy leaders are increasing their pool of interesting candidates 100 times over by hiring for Talent, not experience, using Readynez Talent solutions.

Quickly fill the most technical job roles with Talent and personalities that fit your business.

All you need to do is choose.


Through years of experience training more than 500 new IT-Talents, we know how to quickly make them productive in your business.

You define their role and we define the skills and training they need.

That way, Talent can quickly be trained to fit your exact needs.


The only Talent pricing model giving skills-first leaders the freedom of choice.

Minimize risk and quickly launch your Talent programme with 0 initial investment and only pay a monthly premium, or pay a one-time fee if you prefer.

Choose the pricing plan that fits you.

If you´re also feeling the urgent need for IT ressources, let´s talk. We´ve recruited and trained hundreds of talented new IT people for businesses like yours. Get in touch and we'll suggest how to get you the Talent you need.



Change in the skills-first economy can only happen when you get skills right

Windows Server Communication

From 4 year upgrade cycles...

Technology is constantly disrupting the nature of job roles with continuous builds instead of 4 year upgrade cycles. That’s why leaders in the skills-first economy are no longer hiring for experience, now they are hiring for Talent.

Cloud Server Communication continous builds

Leaders point to the lack of skills as #1 Problem for low revenue growth

Transport & Logistics CEO´s point to the lack of digital skills as the main reason for failed digital transformations resulting in the lowest revenue growth expectations in 5 years.

Digital Skills icon

Lack of
digital skills

Digital Transformation icon

Lack of digital

Downward Chart icon

Lack of financial

Find out why companies trust us to power their Skills-First Journey

Learn how the leaders of the Skills-First Economy are preparing for change and making digital skills work!

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Procano achieved a Microsoft Designation in a year with Unlimited Training…

Discover how Unlimited Training helped Procano meet Microsoft’s certification requirements, improve team expertise, and boost customer satisfaction.

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Read more

ATEA Norway: How to close the Skills Gap with Talent and win big!

“As the demand for our solutions is increasing, we need to hire more people to deliver the solutions that the market needs

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Skånemejerier name Skills “business critical”

A 100% customized training ensures connection to business requirements and along term Skills plan enables digital transformation.

read more


Get new people recruited and trained to fit your needs and see the difference it makes to get hyper relevant skills, ready to power your business from day 1

Hire for Experience
The outdated, high risk approach

Hire for Talent
The new way to end your skills gaps


Recruiting is an impossible hunt for rare profiles

Large pool of keen candidates to choose from


Pay a high premium to outbid other employers

Pay a decent salary that you find reasonable


Upskilling is unavoidable. Skills will not fit exactly

Talent is trained for your exact requirements


Personal traits are secondary. Take it as it is.

Choose a perfect fit that adds to the team dynamics

How We Build Your Future experts

Get Talent recruited and trained with the exact digital skills that you need. This is the fastest way to acquire productive new members of your organization. Hassle free

star employee


Your new talent will have the perfect mindset to learn new Digital Skills and to be trained for the next wave of technology, plus they are passionate about your organization.

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Talent can be trained to do anything, with any technology. The training programmes are customized for your exact needs using a rolebased approach.

result graph


Your new early-career Talent will not be as expensive as the senior people you used to hire. So, you'll not only get a better resource you’ll even enjoy the cost profile.

Choose your Plan

The Talent solution is 100% flexible. Pick the elements that you want, and pay as you please: Bring your own Talent, Hire now or choose a subscription based model.

One-Time Fee

Hire now

Per person

The right choice if you want to hire now

This is the solution that ends your technical skillsgap with a candidate trained for your needs and hired from day 1.

All-inclusive price with Recruitment, Training and Onboarding Plan

Recruitment of Talent that fits your business

Training Programme tailormade for your exact Skills Needs

Onboarding Plan including a set of tools that leaves nothing to chance

Subscription Based

Try before you hire

Per Hour

The right choice to try before you hire

This is your flexible low risk solution where you try before you hire your new candidates, or not. The choice is yours.

No Up front payment. It's a zero risk solution!

You pay by the hour, with a very competitive monthly fee

Regular Training of your chosen Talent is included

Onboarding is taken care of for you, so you can focus on the work

The latest Blogs on how to build your own Experts!

Learn more about how to optimize your Talent strategy and close your Digital Skills gap



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