What you'll learn during your Readynez AWS course

Readynez's courses and customised training packages are designed to help you deliver cloud-based solutions using the Amazon Web Services (AWS) platform. We offer training that equips Solutions Architects, Systems Operators and Developers to design, develop and operate available, efficient and secure applications on the AWS cloud.

Learn more in this video from one of our Expert instructors about what you´ll learn during a Readynez AWS course:

Are you ready? Find your AWS course here


Two people monitoring systems for security breaches

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What is Amazon Web Services?

Why is AWS certification important?

Even as enterprises adopt multi-cloud strategies, this doesn’t diminish the importance of an AWS certification – quite the opposite. With more than one million customers, AWS is still the provider of choice for public cloud adoption, where 64% of enterprises and 68% of SMBs are running applications

Candidate certifications

AWS certifications themselves stand out for their rigor and thoroughness in evaluating a candidate’s skills, with an emphasis on hands-on experience and best practices. If you’re already working with AWS, preparing for a certification can help strengthen your knowledge by clarifying key concepts. If you’re new to AWS, it can provide the foundational knowledge and skills you’ll need to work with AWS services and solutions down the road.

Employer certifications

At Readynez, the core training materials used to prepare for AWS certifications are a valuable component in a company’s own internal training path. As IT environments become more customised and requirements for new skills grow, an increasing number of companies are building their own certification programs. Many of them are using vendor certification training paths in connection with internal training materials to stand up certification tracks specific to their business needs.

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