Passing the Microsoft AZ-204 Exam: Essential Tips

  • AZ-204 exam
  • Published by: André Hammer on Feb 08, 2024

Looking to advance your career in cloud development? Passing the Microsoft AZ-204 exam is a big step towards your goal. This certification will validate your skills in developing cloud applications using Microsoft Azure and open new career opportunities.

This exam is aimed at Microsoft Azure developers. Anyone working in the field of designing, creating, and deploying a type of Azure architecture will benefit from this certification.

Here are some key tips to keep in mind as you prepare for the AZ-204 exam. Whether you're an experienced developer or just starting out, our hacks will provide valuable guidance for your exam preparation.

First, it’s important to look at the exam structure so that you’ll know what to expect. This will help with what study material to focus on.

Understand the AZ-204 Exam Structure

Exam Objectives

Firstly, as a candidate you need a minimum of two years’ experience in professional development. This experience should include using Microsoft Azure. You must be able to program in an Azure-supported language such as Python, .NET, JavaScript, and PowerShell. Python.

Here is a breakdown of the exam objectives, according to Microsoft:

  • Develop Azure compute solutions – 25-30%
  • Develop for Azure storage – 15-20%
  • Implement Azure security – 20-25%
  • Monitor, troubleshoot, and optimize Azure solutions – 15-20%
  • Connect to and utilize Azure and third-party services – 15-20%

This should give you a basic idea of what’s covered in the exam. Next, let’s look at the exam format.

Question Formats

There are different question formats in the AZ-204 exam. These include multiple-choice, drag-and-drop, and short answer questions. Candidates need to understand each format well to succeed.

For multiple-choice questions, it's important to read all options carefully before choosing an answer. Eliminate those that are obviously wrong then make your choice out of the ones that seem to be correct.

With drag-and-drop questions, candidates should follow the instructions closely to match the items accurately.

For short answer questions, giving brief and relevant information is important.

To prepare for the AZ-204 exam, candidates should practise with different examples of each format to boost their confidence and skills. There are many online practice questions and exams available. We highly recommend that you spend the last week or two before your exam working through some of them.

You will be allowed 120 minutes to answer between 40 and 60 questions. You will need to achieve a score of at least 700 out of 1000. The certification is valid for two years from the date it’s issued.

Study Material for the AZ-204 Exam

Official Microsoft Learning Paths

Microsoft Learning Paths offer structured, comprehensive preparation for the AZ-204 exam. They include online training courses covering Azure development, solutions, and security. These paths are accessible through the Microsoft Learn platform, providing free, self-paced courses with interactive modules.

Joining the Microsoft Azure Certifications Community can enhance exam preparation. It offers access to forums, study groups, and webinars with insights, tips, and best practices from experienced professionals. Community members can also access exclusive resources and discounts on exam preparation materials and practice tests.

By utilizing Official Microsoft Learning Paths and the Azure Certifications Community, you can effectively prepare for the AZ-204 exam, gaining the knowledge and skills needed for success in your Azure development career.

Select Reference Books

When selecting reference books for studying for the AZ-204 exam, consider the content’s relevance and accuracy. Ensure that it aligns with the exam objectives. Choose reference books that provide comprehensive coverage of the topics, including examples and practical exercises to reinforce understanding. Look for books that offer different perspectives and approaches to problem-solving, enhancing knowledge and skills.

Reference books can effectively complement the official Microsoft learning paths for the AZ-204 exam. They offer additional explanations, insights, and real-world scenarios that may not be covered in the official materials. For example, they can provide in-depth explanations of complex concepts or offer alternative methods for implementing certain technologies, enriching the learning experience and preparing candidates for a wider range of scenarios.

Incorporating reference books into an effective study plan for the AZ-204 exam involves allocating specific time for reading and understanding the content. Also, be sure to practice the exercises and examples provided.

Additionally, regularly review and apply the knowledge gained from reference books to reinforce learning and master the exam topics.

Online Training Courses

Online training courses for the AZ-204 exam have several advantages. Firstly, they provide flexibility and accessibility, allowing you to study at your own pace and from any location. This is particularly beneficial for those with other commitments such as full-time work or family responsibilities.

Additionally, online courses often include practical exercises and hands-on labs, which are essential for gaining practical experience with Azure. Furthermore, joining online forums and study groups connected with the courses can provide an opportunity to engage with peers, ask questions, and share knowledge and resources, ultimately enhancing the learning experience.

Gaining Practical Experience with Azure

Set Up a Free Azure Account

Setting up a free Azure account is easy. Just visit the Microsoft Azure website and click on the “Start for Free” button.

You'll need to provide an email address, phone number, and a valid credit card to verify your identity. Once your account has been created, you’ll be able to access a variety of Azure services and tools for free, such as virtual machines, databases, and developer tools.

There are no specific requirements for setting up a free Azure account. This makes it accessible to anyone interested in exploring cloud computing and developing their skills for the AZ-204 exam.

Work on Real-world Projects

Working on real-world projects is a great way to gain practical experience with Azure. It will allow you to apply your knowledge of Azure concepts in a hands-on environment. By building and deploying virtual machines, creating web applications, and setting up database solutions, you can understand how to implement various Azure functionalities in real-world scenarios.

This practical application not only solidifiewill solidify your understanding and helps you recognize potential challenges and considerations when using Azure services. The experience will enhance your problem-solving skills as you navigate the complexities of real-world projects, which is directly beneficial for the AZ-204 exam.

Create An Effective Study Plan

Allocate Time for Each Topic

When creating a study plan for the AZ-204 exam, it's important to allocate enough time for each topic. One way to do this is by breaking down the exam objectives and identifying the weightage of each topic. Then, prioritize the topics based on your strengths and weaknesses.

It's also beneficial to set specific goals and deadlines for covering each topic to maintain a consistent study schedule.

Incorporate Breaks and Revision

Regular breaks are important for studying for the AZ-204 exam. Students should take short breaks every 45-60 minutes to rest and recharge. During these breaks, try to do physical activities like taking a short walk or stretching to improve blood circulation and mental alertness.

Revision is also a key part of the study plan for the AZ-204 exam. It's recommended to set aside specific time slots for revision, focusing on topics that need more reinforcement, especially after doing the practice exams. Use tools like flashcards, practice tests, and peer discussions to help with revision.

Utilise Practice Tests for the AZ-204 Exam

Identify Knowledge Gaps

The AZ-204 exam focuses on Azure development. This includes developing Azure compute solutions, implementing Azure security, and integrating caching and content delivery within Azure applications. However, delegates should also understand Azure storage and data solutions, event and message processing within Azure, Azure app services, and Azure API management.

To succeed, you should explore Azure Development Tools such as SDKs, Azure Portal, and Azure CLI. Deepening your understanding of Azure identity and security-related services is also important.

A comprehensive grasp of the Azure developer portfolio and proficiency in deploying Azure resources through source control are critical skills for the AZ-204 exam.

Simulate the Exam Environment

To best prepare for the AZ-204 exam, you can simulate the exam environment by following these steps:

  • Set a specific time frame for each practice session, just like during the actual exam.
  • Find a quiet, distraction-free space for practice.
  • Ensure you will not be interrupted during your practice sessions.
  • Use practice test materials that closely resemble the format and difficulty level of the actual exam.
  • Try to use the same type of hardware and software allowed during the exam.

This simulation will help you become familiar with the exam conditions and feel more at ease on the real test day.

Strategies to Tackle the AZ-204 Exam Questions

Read Questions Carefully

Failing to read exam questions carefully can lead to misunderstanding and providing incorrect answers. This can result in the loss of valuable points. To ensure full understanding of a question, take the time to read it multiple times. Pay close attention to details and keywords.

Remember that a single word can change the entire meaning of the question and affect the accuracy of the answer. By carefully considering each question, you can avoid making unnecessary mistakes. Every point counts!

For example, in a coding exam, misinterpreting a single instruction could lead to the creation of an entirely different program, resulting in a lower grade. Therefore, the ability to comprehend and carefully read questions is crucial to success in any exam setting.

Eliminate Clearly Wrong Answers

Particularly when doing the multiple-choice questions, first eliminate clearly wrong answers to increase the chances of choosing the right option.

It is helpful to look for qualifiers such as "always," "never," or "only," as these words can often indicate a clearly wrong answer. Evaluating each option against the requirements and constraints given in the exam question can assist in narrowing down the choices.

Focusing on first eliminating clearly wrong answers rather than guessing the correct one is important because it reduces the likelihood of making a random selection.

Manage Time Efficiently During the Exam

During the AZ-204 exam, it’s important to manage your time well and not spend too much time on one question. Start by understanding the exam structure and question format. Then, allocate specific time slots to each section of the exam to make sure you’ll have enough time to answer all the questions.

Strategies like quickly skimming through questions to find easier ones and answering those first can help with time management.

Try to balance speed and accuracy by not spending too long on difficult questions. Instead, move on to easier ones and come back to the difficult ones later if time allows. This approach can help you cover all sections of the exam within the allocated time.

Practicing time management techniques during exam preparation through mock exams and timed practice questions can help you develop the necessary skills to manage time effectively during the actual AZ-204 exam.

Join Study Groups and Online Forums

Microsoft Azure Certifications Community

The Microsoft Azure Certifications Community is a great resource for understanding the AZ-204 exam. It offers discussion forums and study groups where candidates can learn from those who have already taken the exam. This helps them prepare effectively. The community also provides access to study materials like practice tests, online courses, and reading lists. These tools ensure individuals are well-prepared for the exam.

Additionally, the community encourages practical experience with Azure through virtual labs and real-world case studies. This allows candidates to apply their knowledge in a practical setting. The community also offers study plan templates and expert guidance for creating effective study plans tailored to individual learning styles and schedules.

Over to You

We hope our helpful tips will help you prepare for the Microsoft AZ-204 exam.

Readynez offers a 4-day AZ-204 Microsoft Certified Azure Developer Course and Certification Program, providing you with all the learning and support you need to successfully prepare for the exam and certification. The AZ-204 Microsoft Azure Administrator Associate course, and all our other Microsoft courses, are also included in our unique Unlimited Microsoft Training offer, where you can attend the Microsoft Azure Developer Associate and 60+ other Microsoft courses for just €199 per month, the most flexible and affordable way to get your Microsoft Certifications.

Please reach out to us with any questions or if you would like a chat about your opportunity with the Microsoft Azure Developer Associate certification and how you best achieve it. 

Good luck!


What are some essential tips for passing the Microsoft AZ-204 exam?

Start by practicing with hands-on activities, then, understanding Azure services, and take practice exams. This will help you familiarize yourself with the format and types of questions.

How can I effectively prepare for the Microsoft AZ-204 exam?

Use official study materials, practice with virtual labs, or join a study group. For example, you could use Microsoft Learn modules, complete Azure exercises, or become part of an online forum for discussion.

What are some common pitfalls to avoid when studying for the Microsoft AZ-204 exam?

Some of the things to avoid when studying for your Microsoft AZ-204 exam include focusing a lot on theory and not giving sufficient time to hands-on practice. The other mistake you should avoid making is not creating enough time to review exam objectives and not using practice tests for preparation.

Are there any specific resources or study materials recommended for the Microsoft AZ-204 exam?

Yes. Microsoft provides official instructor-led training courses, online learning paths, and practice tests for you to use in preparing for the AZ-204 exam. Additionally, we highly recommend the official Microsoft documentation and developer resources.

What are some strategies for managing time and stress during the Microsoft AZ-204 exam preparation?

Some of the strategies you can use to manage time and stress during AZ-204 exam preparation include creating your own study schedule, breaking down revision material into smaller sections, taking short and regular breaks, and practicing with past exam questions. Lastly, use study notes to help you staying organized.

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