Is the CompTIA Security Exam hard to pass?

  • Is the CompTIA security exam difficult?
  • Published by: André Hammer on Feb 14, 2024

Do you feel the CompTIA Security exam is difficult? If you do, then you are one among many who wonder how just how tough it is. If you are here looking to know a little more about this exam, then this is the right article to read.

Here, we will look at what makes this exam challenging and what to expect.  So, read on to find out more.

Overview of the CompTIA Security+ Exam

What is the CompTIA Security+ Exam

The CompTIA Security+ Exam covers a number of topics on cybersecurity. The topics include network security, compliance, threats, vulnerabilities, cryptography, and access control.

As a test taker, you must understand these concepts and how they relate to real-world situations. The exam is tough, but if you prepare properly and commit to studying, passing is within easy.

Anyone who has sat and passed the test will tell you that practical experience and hands-on practice are quite important. If you read really well and couple that with practice, it enhances the likelihood of success on the exam and advancing in your cybersecurity career.

Importance of Passing the Exam

Passing the CompTIA Security+ Exam is important. It validates that you have the required knowledge and skills necessary to work in cybersecurity. As a professional, it shows that you are capable of securing networks, identifying threats, and implementing security measures.

Doing well in this exam here can lead you to career growth as there is a lot of demand for certified professional who have the proficiency to handle cybersecurity tasks. Passing the exam also means that you get to earn much more.

Preparing for the Exam

Study Strategies

The following are effective study strategies you can use to prepare for the CompTIA Security+ Exam:

  • Creating a study schedule.
  • Breaking down the material into manageable sections.
  • Using mnemonic devices to aid in retention.

You can also use a study guide as it can enhance exam preparation by providing the following:

  • Structured information.
  • Practice questions.
  • Explanations of key concepts

Taking practice exams can improve success as it:

  • Familiarises the candidate with the exam format.
  • Helps identify weak areas for further review.
  • Boosts confidence through repeated exposure.

Reviewing study materials with peers or joining online study groups. This is important as it offers you:

  • Different perspectives.
  • Collaborative learning opportunities.

Engaging in hands-on lab exercises to apply theoretical knowledge in practical scenarios can:

  • Reinforce understanding.
  • Enhance readiness for the exam.

Utilizing a Study Guide

A study guide can help you prepare for the CompTIA Security+ Exam. It shows you what topics to expect in the exam, which helps you organize your study sessions and focus on important areas.

An effective study strategy to employ when using a study guide is breaking down the material into sections that you can easily read and recall. Other ways to use a study guide include setting realistic goals, and regularly reviewing and testing yourself.

A great way to enhance your understanding is using techniques like summarizing, creating flashcards, or explaining concepts to someone else.

Guides are important because they provide explanations, examples, and practice questions that reinforce your exam material. Using a study guide helps you track progress, identify weak areas, and build confidence for the exam.

Taking an Online Course

There are many good things about taking online course to prepare for the CompTIA Security+ Exam. Some of the benefits include:

  • You can study at your own pace or choose when to study.
  • There are lots of resources available for you to use.
  • You can use interactive tools and join discussions with others.
  • Online courses help you improve your study habits. They help you manage time better, take practice tests, and get instant feedback.

Attending a Boot Camp

You can also attend a Boot Camp for the CompTIA Security+ Exam. The benefits of doing so include the following:

  • It offers you concentrated study sessions that cover important exam topics.
  • Boot camps can be intensive, which helps you maintain momentum and dedication as you prepare.
  • You get to interact with expert instructors and peers, and this enhances understanding.
  • The boot camp environment offers opportunities for collaborative learning.
  • Boot camps typically run a structured schedule, ensuring you cover all materials.
  • There are opportunities for hands-on practice and real-world scenarios that allow you to apply knowledge.
  • Boot camps boost confidence making your exam taking experience quite smooth.

Using Flashcards

Flashcards can be quite helpful when studying for the CompTIA Security+ Exam. They help you remember important ideas, terms, and information. It's best to keep things simple when making flashcards. One question or concept on a card is the best way to create flashcards.

Break down complex topics into smaller pieces as you build flashcards. This can help improve your retention and understanding. Include both questions and answers on the cards to help you actively recall during study sessions.

Review your flashcards Regularly for effective learning. It's recommended to review them daily or every few days to remember the information.

Watching Video Tutorials

Video tutorials can be a great help when  you are preparing for the CompTIA Security+ Exam. They are explain ideas very well through practical examples.

You can pause to take notes, rewatch parts for better understanding, and they are quite engaging.

Another great aspect of tutorials is they allow flexibility in how you study and review materials. You can review tutorials at your own pace. They also accommodate different learning styles due to their visual and auditory combination.

Reading Tech Articles

Reading tech articles is important as you prepare for your CompTIA Security+ exam. Tech articles tell you about the latest trends, updates, and best practices in cybersecurity.

Familiarizing yourself with this information helps you better understand exam topics and adjust study sessions.

Reading these articles can also help you understand the format of the exam, including question types, time constraints, and overall structure. This knowledge helps you prepare adequately for the exam and boosts confidence.

Taking Practice Exams

Practice exams simulate the real test environment, which helps you get get a feel for the exam format and question types. Knowing what to expect in the real environment can improve how you manage your time during the exam.

Feedback from practice exams is useful as it shows you the areas you need to improve. Using the feedback, you can adjust your study plan, focus on the areas you are weak, and improve test-taking strategies.

Engaging in Online Forums

Taking part in online offers you insight, tips, and strategies from others who've already done the exam. such advice can guide you on what to focus on, common mistakes to avoid, and the study materials to use.

Online forums create a supportive community, and this can enhance your understanding of Security+ concepts. Discussing and debating topics with others is a great way to understanding, clarify doubts, and deepen your knowledge of complex cybersecurity principles.

Benefits of Studying with Peers

Studying with peers as you prepare for your CompTIA Security+ Exam has a number of benefits

For one, collaborative study sessions allow you to discuss challenging topics and share different perspectives. This helps you gain more understanding of the exam material.

When you explain ideas to each other, it reinforces knowledge and also help identify areas that require additional clarification.

Studying in a group can increase your motivation and accountability. Working with others creates a sense of shared responsibility, encouraging each member to stay on track with their study schedule.

Tips for Passing the Exam

Understanding the Exam Format

The CompTIA Security+ Exam has different types of questions. These include multiple-choice, drag and drop, and performance-based questions.

Understanding the exam format helps you get used to the types of questions that typically appear in the exam. Knowing the format also allows you to practice better, leading improved confidence during the exam.

Additionally, being familiar with the format also helps you manage time effectively. It gives you an idea about how to allocate time to each part of the exam.

Managing Time Effectively

Managing your time effectively is important as you prepare to sit the CompTIA Security+ Exam. Here are some strategies to help you manage time adequately:

  • Break study materials into smaller chunks.
  • Create a study schedule and allocate enough time for each topic.
  • Set realistic goals and deadlines to stay focused.
  • Prioritize tasks based on importance and difficulty.
  • Regularly review and assess your progress to identify areas that need more attention.

Key takeaways

The CompTIA Security Exam tests you knowledge of network security, cryptography, and risk management. A lot of people find it challenging.

To increase your chances of passing, prepare properly. Ensure you understand the exam objectives, use study resources effectively, and use sample questions to practice. Doing this can enhance your knowledge and skills in cybersecurity.

Readynez offers a 5-day CompTIA Security+ Course and Certification Program, providing you with all the learning and support you need to successfully prepare for the exam and certification. The CompTIA Security+ course, and all our other CompTIA courses, are also included in our unique Unlimited Security Training offer, where you can attend the CompTIA Security+ and 60+ other courses for just €249 per month, the most flexible and affordable way to get your CompTIA Certifications.

Please reach out to us with any questions or if you would like a chat about your opportunity with the CompTIA Security+ certification and how you best achieve it. 


What is the pass rate for the CompTIA Security Exam?

The pass rate for the CompTIA Security+ exam is about 85%. So, it’s important that you study properly, go through practice exams, and seek additional resources such as study guides and online courses to increase your chances of passing the exam.

What are some tips for studying for the CompTIA Security Exam?

Create a study schedule, use practice exams, review exam objectives, and seek out other useful resources such as online courses or study groups. Try to practice answering sample questions to familiarize yourself with the exam format.

Are there any practice exams available for the CompTIA Security Exam?

Yes. There are a number practice exams available for the CompTIA Security+ exam. For example, there are practice tests on the CompTIA website, as well as on other online platforms like Udemy and ExamCompass.

What are the most challenging topics on the CompTIA Security Exam?

The most challenging topics on the CompTIA Security+ exam include cryptography, secure wireless networks, and risk management. However, if you use practice questions, flashcards, and hands-on labs, they will help prepare for these difficult areas.

Is it common for people to take the CompTIA Security Exam multiple times before passing?

Yes. It is common for people to take the CompTIA Security Exam multiple times before passing. However, if you fail the first time, studying consistently, using practice exams, and seeking additional resources can increase your chances of passing on subsequent attempts.

Two people monitoring systems for security breaches

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