How To Pass The ISO 27001 Lead Auditor exam

  • ISO
  • Lead Auditor
  • Certification
  • Published by: MARIA FORSBERG on Nov 10, 2021

International standard ISO 27001: 2013 assists the business to improve its information security reputation and increase its economic value in the marketplace. Your consumers' trust in your company's ability to protect their information is also a goal of this standard.

ISO 27001:2013 certification requires a business to go through a lengthy and critical process. A violation of crucial information mandated to be kept private could have a negative impact on your company's reputation and put you at danger of being fined by regulators.

What are the benefits of putting ISO 27001 into practice?

Risks to the confidentiality, availability, and integrity of an organization's information can be reduced by implementing ISO 27001. As a result, the business can better comply with national laws governing the protection of private information, information systems, and individuals' personal data. Due to fewer incidents and better marketing, implementing the standard should decrease costs for the company while also improving its public image.

How much does it cost to implement ISO 27001?

It is impossible to estimate the cost before completing the risk assessment and the Statement of Applicability. Employee awareness and training, as well as certification and other forms of formal recognition, account for most costs, not hardware or software. The expenses will vary according to the company's size, but it's reassuring to know that not all security measures must be put in place from the start; some may wait.

How long will it take to get certified?

ISO 27001 implementation might take anywhere from six months to a year, depending on the size and complexity of the organization's management system.

How To Pass The ISO 27001 Lead Auditor exam

An internal audit is a great approach to discover how your organization will succeed in the audit. Your company could select an internal compliance manager or auditor to conduct a gap analysis utilizing ISO 27001 controls, such as those found in Annex A. This can also be done by hiring an outside auditor. As a result, your company will be well-prepared for the final audit and will be able to identify any anomalies necessary to pass the audit.

The ISO 27001 certification provided by Best Practice assures that your company complies with all applicable legislation. So, before you apply for ISO 27001 certification, find an expert instructor-led course for ISO 27001, which will provide the required skills and help you go one step closer to certification.

Appoint an ISO 27001 champion

Acquainting yourself with the certification process is made easier by learning about ISO 27001 firsthand. In the end, you'll require the assistance of a true professional.

An employee from your company or a third-party administrator can do this.

Either way, they should be familiar with implementing an ISMS (information security management system) and be able to apply the system's criteria within your company.

Check Your Permission Rights

Individual access privileges must be investigated as part of any internal audit. The ISO 27001 standard mandates that only a small number of people have access to an organization's private information. Administrator and server logs must be properly managed for an auditor. Two-factor authentication is required for all passwords and other exposed data.

Conduct training

The Standard mandates the implementation of initiatives to educate employees about the importance of data security.

You'll also be expected to put in place standards that encourage good behavior among your personnel.

Clean desk policies and the obligation to lock computers when leaving workstations are just two examples of this kind of rule.

The simplest way to convey the standard's attitude and what employees should do to assure compliance is through a company-wide e-learning course for all employees.

Risk Assessment

Conducting a risk assessment before an ISO 27001 audit is highly recommended. An overview of how to identify and eliminate your personal risks will be provided. Your organization's information security framework should be examined for the purpose of doing this risk analysis.

Ask the following questions when doing a risk assessment:

  • Do you know what could jeopardize the safety of your company's information?
  • Which factors should be used to determine whether or not to accept the risk?
  • Is Annex A of the ISO 27001 correctly implemented and documented for all unacceptable risks?
  • Is the Risk Management Plan clear about the roles and responsibilities of each party?

Monitor Suppliers, Vendors, and certification's activities

Checking and measuring the operations of those in charge of your company's information security is yet another suggestion. You and your organization will be responsible for ensuring that the third-party services you supply and receive meet your needs and expectations. Anyone in your company's chain of command, from vendors to employees, could be a potential source of the intrusion. You'll be able to get ISO 27001 certification if you keep track of these kinds of records.

Cyber Securities Awareness

There's an old adage that says you learn more from the errors of others. You've probably heard of or seen a slew of cyber-related occurrences; it might even happen to a competitor or business partner of yours. An ISO 27001 audit can help you ensure that all of your network access is secure while you're preparing for the certification. Your compliance inspectors may be prompted to look at your own factors for similar security weaknesses if they see risks for a competing company.

Be Current With New Regulations

Many individuals and systems are needed to ensure compliance in an ever-changing technological landscape. Your own statutory duties, such as GDPR and other information security necessities like PCI DSS, necessitate constant monitoring of security developments.


An ISO 27001 audit can be passed with the help of these tips. Keeping records, training employees, staying current on new legislation, and conducting IT internal checks will benefit. Achieve certification fast with an instructor-led course: Our main goal should be to ensure that all of our privacy elements are safe.

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