Do you need more IT-Security specialists?

That´s why we have launched 3 new IT security-focused Academy programs.

Our Cybersecurity candidates challenge habits, bring innovation and discover new solutions. They are ambitious, dedicated, and flexible and they support an attitude that fuels growth.

The program

The Readynez Academy Cybersecurity program offers a completely new solution to your resource demand. This is a complete training program designed to provide you with a qualified, accredited, and highly qualified IT security specialist who is ready to deliver and create value - in a very short time and effortlessly.

Why the Talent Cybersecurity Programme

Twice as many people as now will be online in 2020. This means that the potential for hackers is massively rising, with 91% of IT attacks starting with email phishing (Mimecast).

The rising threat also means there is a serious lack of qualified IT security professionals, so it's obvious that you should create your experts yourself.

With Readynez's Cyber ​​Security programs, you get trained an IT security expert with a broad and profound knowledge from a unique combination of leading IT security training programs that are quickly ready to contribute to the business.


What is Readynez Talent?

We recruit and train the IT professionals of the future. We find your candidates, we take care of the recruitment process and help you choose the candidates that best suit your culture and business, and finally, we train your new employee to a highly qualified, fully productive specialist - in a very short time.

"The two candidates were already in production, ready to meet customers and host workshops after their 3 month Academy program." Pia Tasior, Daxiomatic. 

Also, our Readynez Academy program is open to any candidate you find appropriate. We would like to welcome your current employees as well.

Are you ready? Contact us today or read more about Readynez Talent - and find out how we can help you get ready for the future. Call +4588 18 43 20

Two people monitoring systems for security breaches

Unlimited Security Training

Get Unlimited access to ALL the LIVE Instructor-led Security courses you want - all for the price of less than one course. 

  • 60+ LIVE Instructor-led courses
  • Money-back Guarantee
  • Access to 50+ seasoned instructors
  • Trained 50,000+ IT Pro's

What is an IT Security Specialist?

Filling the tech skills gap

Corporations develop close partnerships to improve training opportunities. Skill-building for all IT secyurity requires a new approach.

Use of more advanced technologies

Now companies are figuring how to utilise IT security to get better business insights, Successful businesses are a planning how to get business value from these platforms and other new tech.

Speed in experimenting and innovating

Companies are thinking about new business lines that they couldn't have done before, and this is going to continue to create an acceleration. There's a recognition that you can't go back.

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