Certified Ethical Hacker: Learn to Hack Ethically

  • Certified Ethical Hacker
  • Published by: André Hammer on May 20, 2024

Would you like to learn ethical hacking? The Certified Ethical Hacker course can teach you how to protect computer systems from cyber attacks.

By understanding hacking techniques better, you can defend against threats and vulnerabilities. This training equips you with valuable skills in cybersecurity.

If you're keen on ethical hacking, keep reading to learn how to begin.

Overview of Certified Ethical Hacker Training Course

What is a Certified Ethical Hacker?

Becoming a Certified Ethical Hacker requires mastering hacking, cybersecurity, and penetration testing skills. Individuals need practical IT experience and a good grasp of operating systems to earn this certification.

Certified Ethical Hackers ensure the security of systems and networks by performing security testing and digital forensics. They use hacking tools to find vulnerabilities and defend against cyber threats. This certification is highly sought after in the cybersecurity industry because professionals with it play a critical role in protecting organizations from malicious attackers.

Certified Ethical Hackers have opportunities for career growth in cybersecurity, progressing to roles like security analysts or penetration testing experts. Their expertise is respected and sought after by organisations aiming to enhance their security measures.

Benefits of Becoming a Certified Ethical Hacker

Becoming a Certified Ethical Hacker can open up many career opportunities. These may include roles in penetration testing, security testing, and digital forensics. Professionals who earn this certification can improve their skills in ethical hacking, making them more competitive in the cyber security industry.

Having the title of Certified Ethical Hacker can boost one's professional credibility. It shows a strong understanding of hacking tools, security testing, and operating systems. This certification highlights an individual's dedication to information security and their ability to effectively tackle threats and vulnerabilities. As organizations increasingly look for cybersecurity experts with specialized skills, achieving Certified Ethical Hacker status can lead to career growth and higher demand for one's expertise in the field.

Certified Ethical Hacker Certification

Importance of CEH Certification

Obtaining a CEH Certification in cybersecurity shows expertise in ethical hacking. Professionals complete training and exams to gain skills in penetration testing, digital forensics, and security testing.

The certification also validates knowledge and commitment to ethical hacking principles, and a CEH Certification helps professionals stand out in the cyber security industry, offering various career opportunities.

Employers value this certification as it demonstrates the ability to protect systems from cyber threats.

CEH Exam and Certification Process

The CEH exam and certification process involve several steps:

  • Enrolling in a CEH training course

  • Passing the exam

  • Obtaining the certification

Before enrolling in the course, individuals should ideally have two years of IT work experience.

Obtaining a CEH certification can lead to career opportunities like becoming a security analyst. It also helps in progressing in the cyber security industry. Certified ethical hackers gain practical experience in using hacking tools and understanding security testing methodologies. This equips them to protect organizations from adversaries and conduct penetration testing effectively.

Course Outline for Certified Ethical Hacker Training

Topics Covered in CEH Training Course

The CEH training course covers various topics helpful for those aiming to become certified ethical hackers. It includes ethical hacking, penetration testing, cybersecurity, digital forensics, hacking tools, and social engineering.

Exploring these subjects helps individuals gain practical skills and knowledge required to excel as ethical hackers and security analysts. The course prepares them for the CEH exam by offering insights into operating systems, security testing, information security, and hands-on experience in security labs.

This hands-on experience is important for individuals with IT work experience seeking career advancement in the cyber security industry. Acquiring the CEH certification showcases a high level of expertise and can create new career opportunities for professionals in organizations looking for certified ethical hackers.

Learning Paths for Ethical Hackers

Different Paths to Become a Certified Ethical Hacker

Becoming a Certified Ethical Hacker has different routes. One path is through certifications like CEH, GPEN, CHFI, or OSCP. Another involves gaining experience in cybersecurity and IT before taking a CEH training course.

These routes differ in requirements, time commitments, and training methods. Certification programs need passing exams, while experience may involve hands-on work. Some certifications offer bootcamps for quick training, but on-the-job experience takes longer.

Knowing these paths can help in choosing the best career progression in cybersecurity.

Contact Us for More Information

Individuals interested in the Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH) training course can contact us for more information. They can inquire about the certification process, hacking skills covered, and career opportunities in ethical hacking.

By reaching out to us, details can be obtained on the cost of the CEH training and certification, including credits, exam forms, and the application fee. Specific prerequisites for enrolling in the course can be discussed, such as IT work experience, relevant certifications, and passing score required.

Additionally, individuals can learn about the ethical hacking tools used during the training. They can also understand the importance of practical experience in security testing, digital forensics, and operating systems.

Contacting us will provide insight into how the CEH certification can enhance your career progression, cybersecurity skills, and demand within the industry.

Cost of CEH Training and Certification

Factors Affecting the Cost of CEH Certification

Factors affecting the cost of CEH certification can vary. These factors include:

  • Training course fees

  • Exam forms

  • Application fee

The need for additional professional certifications or battle labs to improve skills in ethical hacking and cybersecurity can also impact the overall cost.

Experience in IT work, knowledge of operating systems, security testing, digital forensics, and hacking tools can influence the cost. Individuals may require specific training to meet certification requirements.

Moreover, the demand for ethical hackers and cybersecurity professionals in the market determines the certification's value and its impact on an individual's career path.

Prerequisites for Enrolling in CEH Training Course

Individuals interested in the CEH training course should have a strong background in IT and information security. Prior experience in ethical hacking is useful, but not required. Certifications like CompTIA Pentest+ or CHFI can also help prepare individuals for the course. These certifications demonstrate basic knowledge in cybersecurity and penetration testing, which are important for success in the CEH program.

Hands-on experience with operating systems, security testing, digital forensics, and hacking tools can also improve readiness for the CEH training. The course targets IT professionals aiming to advance in cybersecurity, making it great for those looking to become certified ethical hackers and security analysts. Meeting these requirements enables individuals to confidently approach the CEH v12 exam and progress in the cybersecurity field.

Format of CEH Exam

Details of CEH Exam Format

The CEH exam format is:

  • 125 multiple-choice questions.

  • Completed within a four-hour timeframe.

It tests knowledge in:

  • Ethical hacking.

  • Penetration testing.

  • Cybersecurity.

To excel:

  • Candidates need practical experience.

  • Strong understanding of hacking tools.

The certification is highly sought after by IT professionals.

  • Advance careers in cybersecurity.

  • Boost career progression.

CEH exam:

  • Taken at designated testing centers.

  • Passing score required for certification.

Knowledge of:

  • Social engineering.

  • Digital forensics.

  • Crucial for ethical hackers.

Emphasis on:

  • Hands-on skills.

  • Practical knowledge.

Valuable certification:

  • For IT professionals seeking expertise.


The Certified Ethical Hacker certification teaches individuals how to ethically hack computer systems and networks. The training helps professionals understand and identify vulnerabilities to better secure against malicious attacks. By learning ethical hacking techniques, individuals can help protect sensitive data and prevent cyber threats.

Readynez offers a 5-day EC-Council Certified Ethical Hacker Course and Certification Program, providing you with all the learning and support you need to successfully prepare for the exam and certification. The CEH course, and all our other EC-Council courses, are also included in our unique Unlimited Security Training offer, where you can attend the CEH and 60+ other Security courses for just €249 per month, the most flexible and affordable way to get your Security Certifications.


What is a Certified Ethical Hacker?

A Certified Ethical Hacker is a professional who is trained to legally break into computer systems to identify security weaknesses. They use the same techniques as malicious hackers to assess and improve the security of the system.

What does it mean to hack ethically?

Ethical hacking means legally testing computer systems for vulnerabilities to improve security. This can involve penetration testing, social engineering, and bug bounty programs. Hackers must have permission to perform these activities to ensure they are ethical.

Why is it important to learn ethical hacking?

Learning ethical hacking is important to protect systems from cyber attacks, identify vulnerabilities, and enhance cybersecurity measures. Being able to think like a hacker enables professionals to proactively prevent security breaches and safeguard sensitive data.

What skills are needed to become a Certified Ethical Hacker?

To become a Certified Ethical Hacker, you need skills in networking, system administration, and programming. You should be familiar with tools like Wireshark, Metasploit, and Nmap. Experience in penetration testing and understanding of vulnerabilities are also essential.

How can I become certified as an Ethical Hacker?

You can become certified as an Ethical Hacker by obtaining certifications such as Certified Ethical Hacker or Offensive Security Certified Professional (OSCP). Study the required materials, complete training courses, and pass the certification exams to become certified.

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