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course: IT Specialist: Cloud Computing
Varighed: 3 dage
Format: Virtual or Classroom
Forbereder til Eksamen :
IT Specialist: Cloud Computing Exam (INF-104)
Forbereder til Certificering :
IT Specialist: Cloud Computing
The Cloud Computing course covers the entire field of cloud computing. From determining if a cloud solution is appropriate for your organization, to developing cloud infrastructure, implementing the cloud development life cycle, managing cloud operations, and understanding cloud governance. The course is designed specifically to train you for the IT Specialist Cloud Computing Certification. An IT Specialist Cloud Computing Certification is proof or your ability to understand technical cloud concepts and develop, deploy and manage cloud operations. The objective of the course is to provide all the tools you need — including text explanations, videos, figures & tables, quizzes, practice labs, and a practice exam — to prepare for the Cloud Computing exam and pass it on the first try.
This course should appeal to any student with motivation to become a cloud-technology-aware learner and with curiosity about the professional applications of cloud computing, cloud IT implementation, associated technologies, and their use in career fields.
Readynez er den bedste træningsudbyder, jeg har brugt i mange år. Deres kundeservice er førsteklasses, priserne er meget konkurrencedygtige og instruktørerne er fremragende.
Nemt at deltage på kurset over Teams og en fremragende instruktør gav mig stor værdi for den tid, jeg investerede.
Dit personlige Learning Program vil give dig de kompetencer du har brug for, så du kan gøre mere af det du elsker. Learning Programmet's tre step er lavet, så du lærer nye kompetencer der vil åbne nye muligheder for dig.
Readynez365 platformen giver en forbedret digital vej for alle dine læringselementer, fra forberedelser til eksamen, hvilket gør det til den mest direkte vej til nye tekniske færdigheder. Vælg hvad du vil (og har brug for) for at blive klar. Det hele er gjort klar til dig i Readynez365 i god tid før dine kurser.
Træningsmetodikken er designet til det virtuelle klasselokale, med fokus på at inspirere og engagere dig med en blanding af praktisk træning, præsentationer, tekniske labs og tests. Du vil også være glad for at vide, at virtuel træning er elsket af ledere - det er nemlig den mest omkostningseffektive måde at træne på.
Der er et maksimalt antal deltagere på holdet for at sikre dig nem adgang til personlig coaching. Du vil møde akkrediterede ekspertinstruktører, der er erfarne IT-professionelle og konsulenter, der er certificeret til det højeste niveau, og som bringer den virkelige verden ind i undervisningen.
Vi dækker alle detaljerne så du kan anvende det i dit daglige arbejde, og du vil endda lære de detaljer, du skal kende til ifm din eksamen. Det er dit valg, om du vil gå til eksamen eller ej, men med vores detaljerede eksamensguides og hotline gør vi det nemt at få adgang til din eksamensvoucher og planlægge og gennemføre din eksamen online
Din adgang til træning er ubegrænset, og du kan træne lige så meget, du vil, indtil du består din eksamen.
Træn med god samvittighed med kurser der giver et 96% lavere CO2-aftryk sammenlignet med træning i klasselokalet. Vores organisation opererer med minimal miljøpåvirkning, og vi har reduceret vores CO2-udledning med 96% siden 2019. Vi overholder ISO 14001 gennem hele vores forsyningskæde som din garanti for vores bæredygtige kurser.
- Topic A: Cloud Computing Concepts.
- Topic B: Describe Cloud Service Models.
- Topic A: Identify the Project Approach and Team.
- Topic B: Establish Key Criteria.
- Topic C: Evaluate Project Requirements.
- Topic D: Evaluate and Recommend Cloud Solutions.
- Topic A: Evaluate Cloud Models.
- Topic B: Create a Process Flow Diagram.
- Topic A: Determine Hardware and Network Requirements.
- Topic B: Determine Storage and Database Requirements.
- Topic C: Create Virtual Machines.
- Topic A: Determine a Design Approach.
- Topic B: Determine Approach for Connecting Solution Components.
- Topic A: Cloud Application Development and Operations.
- Topic B: Configure, Deploy, and Manage the Development Environment.
- Topic C: Perform Testing.
- Topic A: Plan App Integration.
- Topic B: Evaluate and Plan App Containerization.
- Topic C: Deploy Apps.
- Topic A: Manage Cloud Solutions to Address Demand and Costs.
- Topic B: Create a Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery Policy.
- Topic C: Support and Monitor Cloud Solutions.
- Topic A: Identify Why Cloud Governance Is Needed.
- Topic B: Promote Security.
- Topic C: Promote Compliance through Practices and Processes.
- Topic D: Maintain Governance over Time
- Examine the fundamental concepts of cloud computing.
- Plan a cloud computing project.
- Select cloud solutions.
- Define cloud solution requirements.
- Determine hardware and storage requirements for a cloud project.
- Design cloud apps and solutions.
- Develop and test cloud apps.
- Integrate and deploy a cloud solution.
- Manage cloud operations.
- Evaluate cloud governance.
Mød nogle af de instruktører du kan møde på dit kursus. De er eksperter, passionerede omkring deres fag og dedikerede til at give deres viden tilbage til branchen, deres fag og dem som ønsker at lære, udforske og skabe fremskridt i deres karriere.
Ed er en mangeårig MVP og har udviklet flere officielle Microsoft kurser for Azure, Windows Server og Windows.
Jens har været MCT i 20 år og er autoriseret Amazon Champion Instruktør med solid erfaring som Cloud Infrastructure og Security Consultant og Penetration Tester.
Our course participants come from varied backgrounds and have different attributes. There are no specific prerequisites for this course, but to ensure that you have the best possible chances of benefitting from the course, we are available for you to discuss your goals and general expectations to your learning and results.
Med 15 års erfaring og mere end 50.000 glade kunder fra hele verden, organisatiner som ALSO, ATEA, Microsoft, Serco og mange flere, stoler på Readynez til at træne og certificere deres medarbejdere.
Dette er bare nogle af de mange organisationer som stoler på Readynez.
The IT Specialist: Networking course helps students to develop professionally in the field of Information Technology as network engineers, network Architects and network specialists. These professionals analyze, develop and evaluate computer networks and network operations. They also create network inventory, diagnose and find the solutions for the faults occurring in the networks. Troubleshooting, providing support and solving the issues occurring in the network. Upon completion of this course, students can expect to gain knowledge of network fundamentals and infrastructure which includes cloud concepts, remote access methods, wireless networking, routers, switches, major protocols (ISO and TCP). Students will also understand the process of troubleshooting a faulty network by using appropriate hardware and software troubleshooting tools. The goal of this course is to provide students with the information and tools needed to prepare for the Networking certificate—including text explanations, video demos, lab activities, self-assessment questions, and a practice exam—to increase the chances of passing the exam on the first try.
SE KURSUSThe IT Specialist: Network Security Certification course is based on learning the different techniques, tools and technologies to protect the network from unauthorized access. Upon completion of this course, students can expect to have knowledge of identifying the different types of attacks, configuring the user authentication, identifying the protocols, implementing email protection and managing browser security. Students will also learn to configure anti-malware and antivirus software. The goal of this course is to provide students with the tools and techniques needed to prepare for the Network Security certification—including text explanations, video demos, lab activities, self-assessment questions, and a practice exam—to increase their chances of passing the exam on the first try.
SE KURSUSThe Virtual Classroom is an online room, where you will join your instructor and fellow classmates in real time. Everything happens live and you can interact freely, discuss, ask questions, and watch your instructor present on a whiteboard, discuss the courseware and slides, work with labs, and review.
Yes, you can sit exams from all the major Vendors like Microsoft, Cisco etc from the comfort of your home or office.
With Readynez you do any course form the comfort of your home or office. Readynez provides support and best practices for your at-home classroom and you can enjoy learning with minimal impact on your day-to-day life. Plus you'll save the cost and the environmental burden of travelling.
Well, learning is limitless, when you are motivated, but you need the right path to achieve what you want. Readynez consultants have many years of experience customizing learner paths and we can design one for you too. We are always available with help and guidance, and you can reach us on the chat or write us at info@readynez.com.