Vores kunder elsker, hvordan deres digitale transformation tager fart, når Readynez365 gør det nemt at udvikle og administrere digitale skills udfra databaserede beslutninger. Tal med os for at komme i gang.
Readynez365-platformen organiserer nyt og eksisterende digitalt læringsindhold fra enhver leverandør og indholdsleverandør i jobrollebaserede læreveje og sporer fremskridt i forhold til mål og compliance.
Readynez365 har indbygget integration til mange indholdsudbydere, herunder Microsoft Learn, LinkedIn Learning og udbydere af Labs, Assessments og andre læringsværktøjer til opbygning af digitale færdigheder. Du kan nemt tilføje dit eget indhold, og platformen integreres nemt med dine foretrukne indholdsleverandører.
Er administration af eksamener, certificeringer og compliance også en hovedpine for dig? Ikke længere - med Readynez365 gør vi det nemt med alle de værktøjer, du skal bruge for altid at være på forkant med situationen og have adgang til al den indsigt og analyse, du kan drømme om.
Med Readynez365 har du adgang til al læring på ét sted, og du kan nemt zoome ind på det rigtige indhold for dig, uanset om du ønsker at blive inspireret og lære af indhold relateret til en specifik leverandør, teknologi, eksamen, certificering eller en bestemt type læringsindhold som et lab eller en test.
Readynez365 analyse-dashboards gør det nemt at vide præcis, hvordan dine læringsplaner skrider frem mod dine forretningsmål. Det er en pålidelig og sikker infrastruktur, der giver en meget mere agil tilgang og indsigt i din organisations færdigheder, eksamener, certificeringer og compliance.
A lot of customers tell us what a struggle it is to keep track of exams, certifications and vendor program compliance across the organization. But now, the answer to that burning challenge is here. Readynez365 makes it simple to always have updated exam and certification data on all employees, and the Analytics Dashboards gives you instant insight into your vendor programs compliance.
Readynez maintains a catalogue of 1000´s of Exams, Certifications + Vendor program requirements from all the major Technology Vendors in the World. Easy accessible and always up to date.
The Readynez365 App provides an easy and intuitive interface making it simple to update status on exams and certifications. Plus, the Credly integration provides verified data from all major technology providers like Microsoft, AWS, Cisco, VMware etc
The unique combination of data provides an always up-to-date view on exams, certifications and compliance across the organization, and the notifications for expiring exams and certifications helps you be proactive.
Readynez365 is everything your business needs to make Digital Skills work in the real world!
& nudging
The R365 Platform comes with a ready-to-use set of templates to build efficient notification and nudging tracks that are powerful enablers and increase consumption of online learning content.
Office 365
The integration to Office 365 gives you Single Sign-On to Readynez365 and seamless integration with all Office Applications, including your Outlook Calendar.
& Marketplace
Get fantastic consumption rates of your learning content with out-of-the-box nudging tracks and an online marketplace where you can even incentivize with prizes and gifts
Microsoft Teams
Readynez365 integrates to Microsoft Teams for seamless cooperation that allows for agility. This wider eco system elavates the relevancy of learning assets significantly.
Learn more about how to optimize your Talent strategy and close your Digital Skills gap
Readynez365 subscription models are designed to be 100% agile and scalable! Get started with zero initial cost or commitment requirements and leverage the speed and intelligence of the world's only Learning Experience Platform built for Digital Transformation today.
Platform & Analytics
Learner Experience Platform (LXP)
Branded Platform
Advanced Reporting and Analytics
Create your own Content, any type of Learning
Filter/Find Learning across all Learning Content, any type and source
Select from thousands of existing Courses, Labs, Assessments, Learning Paths and Programs from different providers
Content Curation Engine providing always updated contextual learning content
Apps and Services
Certification & Compliance multi-vendor exam, certification & compliance catalogue and analytics
Microsoft Office 365 Integration (Office integration, Calendar Sync and Single Sign-On (Q4 2021))
Microsoft Teams Integration (Access LXP through Teams app, Calendar Sync, Collaboration in Teams (Q4 2021))
Gamification & Marketplace
Live chat support
Unlimited email support
Success Manager
Price Per user per Month
DKK 30
DKK 55
DKK 75