Derfor er der mange der leder efter DPO kurser og certificeringer, som kan give dén viden, der skal til. Men der er ingen officiel akkreditering fra EU, og derfor er der opstået et stort marked med mere eller mindre lødige DPO kurser.
Vil du have et kursus med officiel akkreditering kan du eksempelvis se efter ISO eller PECB certificering, og husk under alle omstændigheder at spørge til hvem der udsteder DPO certificeringen, det kan give et fingerpeg om kvalitetsniveauet.
Èt af de mest målrettede kurser er Readynez's CDPO kursus, som er udviklet i samarbejde med det internationale PECB som udsteder certificeringen, som er anerkendt verden over.
På Readynez's CDPO kurser lærer du at understøtte implementeringen af GDPR med en model for databeskyttelse, og hos Readynez tager det kun 3 dage inklusiv certificering.
Er du nysgerrig efter at se hvad eksamen indeholder, kan du tage et kig på de 10 test spørgsmål fra CDPO eksamen fra PECB.
Question 1 (10 points)
Considering that the aim of General Data Protection Regulation is to ensure a consistent level of protection for natural persons throughout the European Union and to prevent divergences hampering the free movement of personal data, please list at least five changes that an organisation can face due to its implementation and at least five GDPR implementation advantages.
Possible answer
Some of the changes that an organisation can face due to GDPR implementation include:
Some of the advantages that organisations gain due to GDPR implementation include:
Question 2 (5 points)
Organisations wanting to comply with the General Data Protection Regulation shall follow the data protection principles. Please provide at least two concrete actions that would support an organisation in complying with the following principles: Lawfulness of processing (Article 6) and Conditions for consent (Article 7).
Possible answer
Lawfulness of processing (Article 6)
Conditions for consent (Article 7)
Question 3 (5 points)
As a data protection officer in the ABC organization, one of your tasks is to monitor compliance with the GDPR and with the policies of the controller or processor in relation to the protection of personal data. Additionally, your role includes the assignment of responsibilities, awareness-raising and training of staff involved in processing operations, and the related audits.
As such, you have noticed that the ABC organisation does not comply with GDPR requirements regarding the right to rectification and right to erasure.
To ensure the effectiveness of the implemented data privacy framework and GDPR compliance, please provide at least two concrete actions that the ABC organization can take to ensure compliance with the following Right to rectification (Article 16) and Right to erasure (right to be forgotten) (Article 17).
Possible answer
Right to rectification (Article 16)
Right to erasure (right to be forgotten) (Article 17)
Question 4 (5 points)
Considering that an organisation should conduct a gap analysis to determine its current state and identify actions needed to ensure compliance with the GDPR; please identify at least five areas of concern that organisations should consider when conducting the gap analysis.
Possible answer
The organisation should determine whether the technical and organisational measures already in place can achieve the GDPR objectives. Therefore, conducting a gap analysis is essential because it enables the organisation to determine its current situation, targets and the steps to be taken to move from the current to a desired future state.
Some concerns that organisations can have when conducting a gap analysis include:
Question 5 (5 points)
The General Data Protection Regulation implies that “The controller and the processor shall designate a data protection officer in any case where:
Please list at least five tasks that shall be given to the Data Protection Officer in order to comply with the regulation.
Possible answer
The data protection officer shall have at least the following tasks:
Question 6 (5 points)
Please define at least three measures that an organization can implement to demonstrate compliance with the records of processing activities.
Possible answer
Records of processing activities
Question 7 (10 questions)
Please define why the data mapping process is important and define the steps.
Possible answer
The process of data mapping helps an organisation obtain a 360° view of its data circulation. In order to enforce the regulatory requirements for personal data processing, companies must first identify and locate such data in their information systems (IS).
The process of data mapping helps organisations identify what categories of data are being stored, determine who owns the data and who has access to such data, additionally the process identifies to which recipients the data stored is disclosed.
Data mapping process steps include:
Question 8 (5 points)
According to the General Data Protection Regulation: “Risk should be evaluated on the basis of an objective assessment, by which it is established whether data processing operations involve a risk or a high risk”. Please list at least three processing activities that can harm the data subject.
Possible answer:
Question 9 (5 points)
The General Data Protection Regulation requires organisations to conduct a Privacy Impact Assessment only when the processing is likely to result in a high risk to the rights and freedoms of natural persons. Besides being a requirement of this regulation, organisation can benefit if a privacy impact assessment is carried out, therefore, please list at least three benefits that organisations can gain by carrying out such process.
Possible answer:
Benefits of carrying out a Privacy Impact Assessment include:
Question 10 (5 points)
Please define at least two measures for each of the following requirements that an organisation can implement to demonstrate compliance.
Notification of a personal data breach to the supervisory authority
Possible answer
Information to be provided where personal data are collected from the data subject
Possible answer
Security of processing
Possible answer
Fløj du lige igennem spørgsmålene?
Hvis svaret er nej, så tag DPO kurset og lær alt hvad du får brug for. CDPO kurset vil forberede dig til en rolle som Data Protection Officer (DPO). På dette accelererede 3-dages Certified Data Protection Officer kursus vil du lære at implementere og administrere en ramme for overholdelse af reglerne i General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
Som en del af dit kursus får du den Officielle PECB Data Protection Officer Certificering.
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